Already in 2012, the Bagno 81 dog beach in Rimini received the recognition of “Five-star 4-legged welcome” for the “Beaches” category.

The award was presented by the Italian Federation of Animal Rights and Environment Associations, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the main tourism trade associations.

  • The largest dog beach in Rimini, created thanks to the collaboration of a dog behaviorist.
  • 150 umbrellas for those who spend their holidays with their dog, of which 90 are fenced where your 4-legged friend can remain safely free for your entire stay on the beach.
  • It offers a cool shower at any time of the day
  • two dog agility and walking areas where animals can run freely (one dedicated to small sizes and one for medium-large ones)
  • bathing according to municipal regulations.

“Bringing your dog on holiday is a right” claims the Onorevole Michela Vittoria Brambilla, who presented the award.

In fact, it was precisely the intention of offering a contribution to the fight against the abandonment of animals, especially in the summer months, that led the Federation to create a portal for those who spend their holidays with animals in tow.

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