Ice cream for your dogs in the Rimini beach

This summer you will also find ice cream for your dog at the Bagno 81 dog beach in Rimini… and what ice cream!

It contains proteins with excellent nutritional value, is low in fat and is sugar-free, replaced by fructose (low glycemic index).

Furthermore, inulin is present, a fiber extracted from chicory, which helps the development of useful bacteria which thus pass the gastric barrier unscathed, reaching the intestine alive, promoting the balance of the flora present and stimulating the immune defenses.

Giving him ice cream not to humanize him, but to ensure that a gesture of affection from the owner benefits him too and improves his health, making his days fresher.

Have you ever given your dog dog ice cream?

One more reason to come and visit us at our dog beach in Rimini.

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