
Hurry and book your spot on the beach,
choosing the mode you prefer.

Ask for availability and book by paying the deposit, or (new for summer 2024) book directly from the map!
Click on the photo for the description.



Compilando il modulo, potrete calcolare subito il vostro preventivo e verificare immediatamente la disponibilità di una postazione nella dog beach Rimini Dog No Problem, la spiaggia per cani del Bagno 81 no problem di Rimini dove trascorrere la vacanze al mare con il cane di qualsiasi razza e taglia.

Per procedere con la prenotazione dovrete inserire i vostri dati ed un'email, quindi noi vi assegneremo una postazione nel settore da voi indicato, in attesa di ricevere il versamento della caparra attraverso le modalità che riceverete via email.

Il saldo della prenotazione avverrà in spiaggia .

In questo caso saremo noi ad assegnarvi la postazione, diversamente se volete prenotare voi una determinata postazione, è possibile farlo direttamente prenotando tramite il nostro booking online.

I soggiorni sono liberi, senza giorni fissi di cambio per l’arrivo e la partenza e sono possibili anche prenotazioni di una sola giornata.


    Numero giorni selezionati:



    Utilizzando il nostro booking online potrete prenotare voi l’ombrellone direttamente dalla mappa della dog beach.

    In questo caso è richiesto direttamente il saldo (e non l’invio di una caparra).

    Se prenoterete attraverso questa modalità, avrete la possibilità di scegliere la vostra postazione e, se vorrete, potrete aggiungere alla prenotazione ulteriori servizi di spiaggia (come la piscinetta da tenere sotto l’ombrellone o il telo ombreggiante da ancorare all’ombrellone) oppure l’assicurazione meteo o il rimborso in caso di annullamento.

    Nei weekend e nel periodo di agosto quando sarà difficile trovare disponibilità, vi suggeriamo di verificare la disponibilità giorno per giorno. Effettuando infatti delle prenotazioni giornaliere e dei cambi di ombrellone è infatti più probabile garantirsi una postazione anche quando la spiaggia è apparentemente piena.

    All-in Rimini Dog no problem - Bagno 81 Here's what's included in the price.

    The indicated price includes the umbrella on the dog beach with sunbed for you and the opportunity to use all our exclusive free services for bau beach customers

    Our beach is made up of two beach establishments which are located next to each other: Bagno 81 no Problem, a family beach where there is a beach service for customers without dogs and the Rimini Dog no Problem dog beach, which is instead, it is located at Bagno 82 where it is possible to take dogs to the beach

    The customer of the Rimini Dog No Problem dog beach will also be able to benefit free of all the services of Bagno 81 No problem offered by the beach establishment next door, including entertainment for your children, and the free “dedicated nanny” service designed instead for the little ones.

    If you purchase an all-inclusive package at the hotel which includes the beach-only service (no dog beach) for customers without a dog in tow at Bagno 81 no problem, in which therefore the beach service is not expressly indicated as included in the price Dog Beach of the Rimini Dog no problem dog beach located at Bagno 82, there will be a difference to be paid upon your arrival at the dog beach, to arrive at the final price indicated in the price list of the bau beach.

    Unlike other establishments, we do not ask for an additional entry price for the dog, nor a supplement in the case of a second dog, therefore the final cost of your stay on our beach in Rimini with dogs allowed is the one indicated.

    Regulations relating to reservations and cancellation conditions (Cancellation Policy)

    We consider binding only reservations followed by the payment of a confirmatory deposit or made via our online booking.

    We reserve the right to move from the locations chosen at the time of booking, in the event of incompatibility between dogs.

    In bookings in which only the deposit has been paid, as per the house’s custom, the balance of the account will be requested upon arrival at the beach (at check-in).

    In case the customer changes the booking date, there are no problems. The communication must be given at least 2 days before arrival on the beach and according to availability, we will make the requested changes.

    In the event of changes or cancellations up to 2 days before the arrival date, the confirmation deposit paid or the balance will not be lost: it will in fact be converted into a discount of equal value which can be used on another date of the current bathing season (summer 2024) or for the following two summer seasons (summer 2025 or summer 2026).

    In the case of changes or cancellations before the date (less than 2 days from the arrival date), the cancellation involves a penalty equal to the confirmation deposit paid.

    By booking through our online booking you can also take advantage of the IMA Assistance Vado in Spiaggia Guarantee (if you are forced to cancel the trip for reasons covered by the policy, you have a 90% refund of your booking).

    In case of late arrival and/or early departure compared to the dates already agreed in the booking, all booked days will be charged.

    In case of bad weather the price of the umbrella will not be refunded, but by booking through our online booking you can also take advantage of weather insurance.

    With the payment of the confirmation deposit or the balance through our online booking, the general booking conditions and in particular the cancellation conditions are considered understood and legally accepted in full.

    The prices on the site and on our online booking are valid for online bookings. By booking directly on the beach, prices may vary, especially during the peak season.

    the dog beach

    The periods are free, without fixed changeover days for arrival and departure and single-day reservations are also possible.